Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Jydan - 2 Years!

Age: 2 Years
Weight: 10.5 kilo
Height: 85.5 cm


-New words every day (thank you has been a really cute one this week)


-Shapes, and drawing a circle

-Singing along the ABC's.
-To respond to more instructions.

-To listen and understand better.
-To drink out of a cup, without a sippy lid.

-How to push the boundaries (hehe!)
-To play & use imagination.
-To use the potty.
-Baby Sign.
-To 'say sorry' - he gives a cuddle and a kiss.
-To play and look after his baby dolly.


- Saying more words, Thank You, Drink, Pop, Please, and lots more!

-Learnt to sign drink, thankyou and eat.

-Able to eat more dairy and gluten (yey!)

-Become more playful/ using imagination. 

-Using his imagination when drawing.
-Putting animal sounds with animals.

Last check up:

 All went well, his teeth are looking very healthy (yey for preserving with the brushing!) However, his teeth are fairly crowded. Something to keep an eye on in the future & make sure he's brushing. He wasn't very cooperative though.

 Made another appointment for May.

Favourite Word/Sentences: 

-Vacuum Cleaner.

-Brum Brum Car!
-Yellow! Goodness, everything is yellow!
-'No!'.. or no no no no no!!

Favourite Book: 

He's loving his felt story books at the moment!

Favourite Toy:

Either between his lightening McQueen car or his truck he got for his birthday! 

Favourite Food: 


Best Memory Of This Month:

JYDAN'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Child Health Nurse Appointment:

All went fine, he got his weigh in and measure, and a general check up. We are already seeing a speechie for his speech ect, so there isn't much else they could do.

Doctors Appointment:
No doctor's appointments.

Paediatrician Appointment:
Peads appointment would be coming up soon, but I've forgotten when!! Oops.

Dietitian Appointment:
Dietitian appointment on the 10th of December.

Speech Therapy Appointment:

 Jydan's speech appointment went well, he is a fair bit behind in his speech now, but they aren't too concerned with it because he is trying. They said his speech is a bit 'slushy' which is why he's hard to understand, it is probably to do with his sensory issues and doesn't swallow his saliva as much as he should. We are starting to learn some signs to help him not get so frustrated with his lack of communication.

Occupational Therapy Appointment:

We've had a couple of phone appointments this month, and have a big meeting on the 15th of December to discuss his sensory issues in more detail. His eating had improved so so much with the tips the OT has given us in the last couple of months.

Phyio Therapy: 

Appointment on the 15th of December as well. Physio thinks it may be possible he will need orthotics.
Home Physio: 

We are still maintaining swimming as part of his physio, but haven't been to kindergym as much. Silly sick slack mummy!


Jydan has just changed swimming days to a Saturday, which means a new teacher and friends! He is also going in with Dad most of the time too, which Dad's really enjoying aswell! He has been doing okay considering there has been so many changes. We are going to start working on getting him more use to a pool noodle and kick board.

Now we have worked out more about what most of Jydan's tantrums are about (not being able to communicate) and put some baby sign in place, the tantrums have really become less frequent. We still deal with them alot... alot.. but not as much, and I guess were a bit more understanding now about them?
Learning baby sign language has actually helped Jydan heaps with his speech! Every word we focus on getting him to sign he ends up saying! That's how he learnt to say thank-you and drink! 

Jydan has turned into the sweetest little daddy's boy, and he's always asking for Daddy and where Daddy is. He is pretty disappointed when he wakes up and Dad's already left for work (Tim starts at 5am sometimes), but is learning more and more about work. He often says now 'Dad, work'. Sometimes he needs reassurance through the day about where Dad is ect, it's the sweetest thing! And Dad's all he wants on weekends. I miss him being such a mummy's boy, but love that he's building that same relationship with his Dad too. He loves loves his Daddy. I think he's really enjoying his swimming time with Dad too!

Jydan is really loving playing with people now, if he wants to play with you he gets you a car or something for you to play with and shows you what he would like you to do. Usually it's him wanting to crash cars around - little boy stuff! ;). I think that's been the biggest change this month is he's really interested in playing. He's really really fun at the moment.

So my baby is two! I can't believe it! And think it's completely unfair how quick time is going. I feel so lucky that I've got to see him grow and learn and experience new things everyday. It's such a privilege to be the one that teaches him everything!
I love this guy to BITS!!!

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