Thursday, October 30, 2014

Baby Caterpillar - 18 Weeks.

I feel like I've popped out a little bit more this week, hopefully that's a sign my bump is returning! Yey! Still though, I'm no where near as big as I was with Jydan!! Not long until we find out, but we've decided not to tell anyone until January!! Sh!! We are going to have a gender reveal party mid-January and let everyone know then! It will be instead of a baby shower, a little baby celebration. How exciting!
So I've started organising that a little bit, and will share some ideas soon.
I have started to feel baby move a bit more this week, which was such a relief because I had stopped, but baby is back to tickling me again. Naww!
I haven't been too sick this week, and put on a kilo!
Symptoms this week:
Nausea - I haven't been tooo sick this week.
Tender Breasts.
Hair & Nail Growth.
Weight gain: A kilo.
Size of baby: 
About 190grams, (doubled in weight in two weeks!) and 14.2 cms head to bum!
About the size of sweet potato!
sweet potato
Baby's doing this week:
Baby is mimicking breathing with it's chest. Preparing to breath.
Time left:
22 weeks... tick tock, tick tock.
Next Milestone:
Half way in 2 weeks, and 3 weeks until our next scan!
Guessing baby's gender:
I'm thinking girl!!
Nickname for baby:
Caterpillar - because of the hungry caterpillar themed nursery.
No cravings really this week.
Undecided on a boys name...

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