Thursday, October 30, 2014

Baby Caterpillar - 17 Weeks


The weeks seem to be flying by and I can't keep up! So different to Jydan's pregnancy, I love comparing them, especially the huge difference in our bellies! This time I'm still in my pre-pregnancy clothes, some tops I've gone for more flowy ones, but all in all, I only look like I have a little (big!!) bulge! It's really hard with hyperemesis when you have a really bad sick week, by the end of the week I had completely lost my baby belly! Yup, the sickness has still not left and I'm struggling with weight loss now. I'm trying to get more fats into myself when I can eat!
17 with Tiley (Jydan) & 17 with Caterpillar!
Symptoms this week:
Tender Breasts.
Hair & Nail Growth.
Ligament Pain.
Heard movements and placenta on Doppler.
Weight gain: None
Size of baby: 
About 140grams, and 13 cms head to bum!
About the size of a pear!
Baby's doing this week:
Skeleton and bones are beginning to harden.
Time left:
23 weeks... Time's flying!
Next Milestone:
Half way, in 3 weeks time!
Guessing baby's gender:
I'm thinking girl!!
Nickname for baby:
Caterpillar - because of the hungry caterpillar themed nursery.
Probably still salt!
Loved the ideas last week, some are on our list now! We had settled on a boys name, but now I'm not sure!!

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