Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Baby Tiley - Week 23

Tiley this week:
Tiley's hearing is development so well, his bones in his ears are starting to develop. He should be able to distinctly hear my voice, he can also hear my heart beating and my stomach rumbling! It's said that loud noises often heard in utero, eg, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, Millie barking and Tim snoring wont bother bub as much when their born! Time to get Tiley use to noise :). Were also getting Tiley use to daddy's (Tim's) voice to help him bond with his dad after, and all ready, Tiley LOVES his dad's voice! Tiley's new amazing hearing is also helping him with his balance.
Tiley's lungs are working really well now too!!

The Doppler:
For the first time we finally picked up Tiley's heartbeat on the Doppler really clearly! I guess his big enough to not swim away but knowing he doesn't like it we only did it for about a minute. It was an amazing minute listening to the sounds of magic, our son xx

Saturday Theory:
I wanted to share my 'saturday theory' with everyone. It's something that I've shared with a few people and quite funny really.....
I get all my stretching and aches on a Saturday. It's always my most uncomfortable day and I struggle alot to enjoy my pregnancy (although I never stop wanting to be pregnant). Every Saturday and only on a Saturday.
So hubby & I started saying that I'll go into labour on a Saturday as a joke. Now bubby measures two days smaller which means if he comes according to his measurements, it will be on a SATURDAY!! So our bet is that we will go into labour on Saturday November the 24th... lets see how right I'll be :)

What I know about Tiley All Ready:
It's been a couple of weeks since I've shared somethings that I know and love about Tiley all ready.
He has the most gorgeous personality all ready even though his not even born yet!
He loves his space, Tiley doesn't like to be prodded and poked. Especially with an Doppler or ultrasound probe. Even at the doctors Tiley moved away from the Doppler, the doctor laughed!
He loves his daddy's voice, Tiley doesn't move around if someone has their hands on my belly only if Tim talks to him. Then Tiley wiggles and moves to his daddy's voice!
His most active in the mornings, at about 7am Tiley is the most active he is during the whole day. Continues big strong kicks. Tim also felt his first BIG kicks in the morning at about 8:30am only yesterday!

Pelvic Floor Exercises:
I have been reminding myself to do my pelvic floor exercises, but with this baby brain, I just forget!! It's highly recommended that you do these exercises during pregnancy as the pelvic muscles stretch and become weak. Here is the excersises I do (when I remember!!)

Tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Imagine drawing them up inside you. Hold this contraction as you count to 5. Let go and release the tension.
Rest for about 10 seconds.
Repeat the 'squeeze and lift' hold for 5 seconds, then let go of the tension. If you find holding for 5 seconds too easy, try for 7 or 10 seconds.
Continue this pattern up to 8 to 10 times in one session. You may find being pregnant or having recently given birth makes your pelvic floor tire after only a few exercises. If this is the case rest and increase the amount you can do over time. Quality is better than quantity.
Ideally after the 8 to 10 holding exercises you should try to do 5 to 10 short, fast, strong contractions. Again do what you can and increase over time.

The Nursery So Far:
Decorating has started and it looks sooo good :) So happy with it :).. Here's some pictures...
We still need to get a cot, rocking chair and will put up the maternity shoots :)

Justine's Baby:
Justine's baby, Jax Edward, arrived on the 24th of the 7th, a gorgeous big baby boy weighing in at 10pound 9oz! I don't know how Justine did it, but wow am I amazed by her! His a spitting image of his big brother who is only 17 months, only darker hair and darker skin. I'll be posting a photo of our first cuddle soon, so stay tuned :)
Justine you make the most beautiful little boys, Chance Anthony and Jax Edward xx

Nanny-To-Be's Birthday:.

Saturday is my Mum's birthday! We're celebrating by going out for dinner. My Mum said that she really wants to feel a BIG KICK for her birthday, so fingers crossed Mr Tiley is awake!!

Only 7 more weeks till I'm 30 weeks!!