Monday, November 17, 2014

Baby Caterpillar - 20 Weeks.

Baby Caterpillar is half way cooked, and finally showing! 
We have our scan in a couple of days, I'm so excited to see baby again, but a little nervous hoping everything is okay (I'm sure it will be). 
We're also hoping baby has caught up in measurements and hopefully we get a sneak peak of what gender baby is ;) .
I can't help but wonder when my 'half way' really is. Will I go early again, or late? 

Daddy felt a little tiny movement from the outside this week, how exciting!! I haven't felt a whole lot because the placenta is in the way.
Symptoms this week:
Tender Breasts.
Hair & Nail Growth.
Trouble Staying Asleep.
Extra Thirst.
Weight gain: 3 kilo (now the weight is rolling on.. ekk!)
Size of baby: 
About 300grams, and 16.4 cms head to bum!
About the size of a small artichoke!
Baby's doing this week:
Baby's ears are completely formed and can start to hear the outside world!
Time left:
20 weeks!! 
Next Milestone:
Our scan in a couple of days!!
Guessing baby's gender:
I'm thinking boy now!
Nickname for baby:
Caterpillar - because of the hungry caterpillar themed nursery.
Nothing really yet.
The poor child will be nameless.

1 comment:

Emily55 said...

Hi Harley! I found your blog not long ago and have gone right back to the start to read them all. I can identify with you and little Jydan a lot!
Congratulations on getting half way, I hope you start to feel better soon, and happy birthday to little Jydan, his party looked very fun :)