Thursday, October 2, 2014

Jydan - 22 Months.

Age: 22 months
Weight: 10.7 kilo
Height: 85 cm


-New words, really expanding his words.

-New Animal Sounds..
-Nursery Rhymes
-New things at swimming.
-To drink out of a cup, without a sippy lid.


- Using his words again, and learning more words.

-Knows most of his body parts.
-Learnt colours yellow, black, blue & green.

-Become more playful/ using imagination. 

-Knows most of his animal sounds
-Eating better.
-Sleeping better though the day.

Jydan has 16 teeth!! 

Favourite Word/Sentences: 

-He loves singing the Chuggington theme song, in his own little way :)

-Yellow (The kid loves anything yellow)
-Brum brum car. 

Favourite Book: 

He has this book that makes car noises, he love it!

Favourite Toy:

Phones & Vacuum cleaners and cars!

Favourite Food: 

Probably ham at the moment.

Best Memory Of This Month:

I tried to do a few different fun activities with him this month to make up for the days I can't do anything. Painting with stickers and getting all messy was probably the best memory.

Child Health Nurse Appointment:

Just a weigh in, and booked in his two year old check as well as a dentist appointment.

Doctors Appointment:
No doctor's appointments for Jydan this month. :)

Paediatrician Appointment:
All went well at this appointment, even some weight gain! So next appointment isn't for another three months.

Dietitian Appointment:
I don't think I want Jydan to continue seeing the dietitian, sometimes it seems like we know more then her and have got some dodgy advice/

Speech Therapy Appointment:

 He had an appointment for his eating a few weeks ago along with his OT, basically we have to put in a few extra steps to get him to eat and have a slow introduction to his eating.

Occupational Therapy Appointment:
He has a follow up appointment on the 14th :)

Phyio Therapy: 

His next appointment will be in November/December.

Home Physio: 

We need to find some supportive boots for summer, his boots are so hot!

I'm so behind, Jydan is more closer to 23 months now, which means he's super close to two!! And that's super scary! His invites are done, and party all organised, just have to do the loot bags now. Wow! My baby is almost TWO, now I'm going to cry like a baby!

He certainly isn't acting like a baby anymore either, with his big words and his big boy bed, he's just huge! He has a gorgeous personality that's shone through though. He hasn't hit the terrible twos yet and is seriously one of the best behaved boys I know. I'm sure the time will come, so for now I am utterly enjoying him listening, obeying, hugging, loving, cuddling, cleaning up, imagining, playing, and everything else.

I've said it before, but I just love how this boy loves. He adores things, and when he finds something he loves, he loves the crap out of it. Like the colour yellow at the moment, and Disney cars! He gets ridiculously in love with things and loves hard. This boy will be the most amazing partner one day.. but lets not think about that, he isn't even two!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww, I can't believe he's almost 2! And my Bee is right behind him. Just can't believe it!! Well it looks like he is doing beautifully. I love those pics of him covered in paint. I think kids are the happiest when messy. :)