Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Baby Caterpillar - 13 weeks.

Second trimester, here we go!!
Although I'm still sick and all that, I'm feeling a lot better in myself, not as yuck. Time to start enjoying this pregnancy!

I THINK I started feeling bubby move too, I'm pretty sure because it wasn't a once off and I was about 12 weeks when I felt Jydan move too. Every now and then through the day I feel little fishy movements!!!
I love comparing my bump to Jydan's at the same gestation, I was so much bigger with Jydan! I think because I've been SO sick this pregnancy, I don't really have a bump yet. Clothes are starting to get a fair bit tight though, so something's going on ;).. or maybe that's just the two kilos I've already put on... sigh!

I actually started sorting out the spare room into the nursery this week.. I know, a bit early, and I have to rewash the bedding and paint the cot, but I thought if I have to sort out the room, I might as well start putting the nursery together.
Poor Jydan is still not coping with me being sick, so I made him a social story about me being sick, will post more about the book I made later on, but I'm so hoping this stops him crying so much when I'm sick.. it's so so heartbreaking!
Symptoms this week:
All day sickness.
Lots of peeing!
Tender Breasts.
Hair & Nail Growth.
Getting my appetite again.
Tender Breasts.
Weight gain: two kilo.
Size of baby: 
Head to bottom - 7.4cm .. how quick is this baby growing!
About the size of a peapod!
Baby's doing this week:
Baby has their unique finger prints now!
Time left:
27 weeks... oh wow, getting close to that half way mark! 
Next Milestone:
Half way, in 7 weeks time!
Guessing baby's gender:
I'm thinking girl again, see, I keep changing my mind!
Nickname for baby:
Caterpillar - because of the hungry caterpillar themed nursery.
Eggs! I really want some eggs, but it's too hard to risk it with Jydan's allergies.
I haven't really looked at names yet, although we think we have the girls name chosen from when I was pregnant with Jydan.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a girl for sure!!!