Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Beautiful girl; you can guard your heart.

I was my sons age when I saw you last.
My parents had to explain to someone so young why you decided not to love me.
Why you decided I wasn't good enough for you. Although, they would make out that we were just too special for you, now I'm older I know that you made the decision to not be my grand father.
According to me, I have one grandfather.
He was caring. He came to the births if my children. He loved and cherished and appreciated me. He taught me. He guided me. He hugged me. He came to my wedding. My 21st. Told me he was proud. He met my kids. My daughter is named after him.
You could of been that, but you made a decision to be a stranger. You chose that. You will live with that decision.
I remember your wedding, I remember your home, I remember you. I also remember my cousins getting gifts from you when we didn't. I remember them spending time with you, when you wanted nothing to do with us.
I will not explain to my children why you walked out of their lives. They will not be me. Because you will. You will meet them, hug them, and never talk to them again. That's what you became instead. Your loss.
You are nothing but a story in my life on how my dad became so fiercely independent and survived and used you as an example of what not to become.
I am a successful business woman, back to studying, raising two incredible children on my own. I am strong, powerful and confident.. And I didn't need you to get here. There's no need, or moment that I need you for. I am quite capable of doing life without you.

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