Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Baby Jydan - 11 Months.

Nine Months:
44-47 weeks

Wow, I can't believe Jydan is ONE in a MONTH! Party planning is in full swing and I'm SO excited.
Talking about Jydan turning one, we had his first birthday photos done...

I'll reveal the photo on Jydan's first birthday post. I wanted to do a cake smash but with all Jydan's allergies and Jydan's birthday being a hungry caterpiller theme a watermelon smash was so fitting, it was crazy! We had the same photographer for our maternity shoot and Jydan's newborn shoot and I can't recommend TK's photography enough! :D. The first take and second take went soo bad. Luckily Tanya captured some cute photos and some family snaps between teething screams and tantrums. My poor little man did not cope that day at all.. uh! But we're doing TAKE THREE a bit later on. When Jydan is a bit better.

We've had some AWFUL teething going on this month. It's been horrendous! My poor little man. We've had some pretty super fun times too. Besides birthday organising, this month we had a holiday interstate, which you can read about HERE  and went to my uncles wedding which you can read about HERE, my Opa's birthday dinner, football grand final, learning new and exciting things like furniture walking and exploring new foods!

We are battling a pretty bad rash at the moment... We've been to the doctors twice about it and we're still not sure what it is! A viral infection, a reaction or German measles!!

Jydan also had his first 'big boy' accident this month too. He sprained his wrist!! yes , my 11 month old SPRAINED HIS WRIST! I can't believe it! He was trying to furniture walk and then he let go, and lost his balance, and fell on his arm! He was pretty good about it though and it healed up pretty quick!

Wrapping his sprained wrist up in an icey face washer.
It's been a pretty hard month actually, on not much sleep at all, but that's okay, we all have our bad times... lets hope for a better month this month!

We've had some AWFUL teething going on this month. It's been horrendous! My poor little man. We've had some pretty super fun times too He is cutting two wisdom's and a canine. Apparently the canines are the nasty ones so I'm kinda glad that we are half way through them :/. What's making it all worse is he's cross cutting. If teething wasn't bad enough.

We've had one week off swimming this month and will have this wednesday off too for his little buddy's first birthday party! I can't believe he is off to first birthday parties now! Anyway, he is doing so well at swimming. He is a fantastic little paddle and kicker, the teacher seems to be always impressed.
We have to time his naps perfectly on swimming day because if he's too tired he is soo crabby. But if he's awake, he's happy :).

Jydan's Milestones:

Jydan is FINALLY crawling properly! He has been commando crawling since he was nine months and has finally got up on his knees. We didn't think he would actually ever crawl! He is now furniture walking, so we just thought he would skip it and walk! We weren't too worried though because he is so good with his words. He even says 'I love you' now!! It's soo gorgeous, he says 'I laaa you' awww, bless him! So that's his first three word sentence, and what a gorgeous sentence! I think that proves we say that soo much to him - hehe. He also said at one point, while he was mid-feed 'More Yum Yum'.. it was gorgeous! Melted my heart. He got of the boob, looked at me and said 'More yum yum?' soo cute!
I really love that he communicates soo well. He doesn't use his words all the time, I don't expect him to at this age, but still! Some of his favourite words this month have been "up" "down" and "what" (as in 'what's that?').
Jydan drinks out of a pop top now. I would drink out of a pop top drink bottle and Jydan always wa nted to share - as our gorgeous babes do so we bought him a little filtered pop top water bottle that's small enough for him to hold and he is going great at it... it just gets very wet and messy.. a bib is always in order.
Because we are using nurofen (for the first time boohoo) for his teeth his poor tummy has been playing up too. When we bought the nurofen from the chemist (we have the best chemist) they did say that it can cause belly problems to those who have sensitive guts. Yep, that's poor jydy bum - and yep his stomach did gurgle alot the next day after giving it to him. So we are giving him reflux medicine too at the moment. I feel soo guilty because at the moment he is having vit D, iron, zantac and nurofen and panadol when needed.

Eczema has been pretty good for the most of the month but pretty nasty the last couple of days. With this mystary rash his eczema has been soo bad. We've had to bathe him in pinetarson and cover his red body in cortisone. It's pretty nasty, the poor little boy.

With holidaying and teething, routine hasn't been going very well-at all! Actually he has made his own little routine.. waking at 2 am - 5am. Apparently that's the time to party! haha! We've just been putting him in our bed because I'm not getting up every 5 minutes :/.
When it's bad and he needs to be rocked back to sleep, I just go in the lounge and chuck a show on and rock him. Oh well.. he usually sleeps in till about 9 when he does it. I make a joke that he still thinks he is a newborn! haha.
He has two naps a day still, thank goodness. He has a 10am one and a 2pm. I hope he doesn't drop these anytime soon :P. My sanity time ;). It means I can get house work done and spend more time with Jydan when he's awake too!

Health Clinic Appointment:
Jydan went to the health clinic this month and actually LOST a little bit of weight. He also hasn't grown at all! I was so surprised, I suspected he had!
As usual, the nurse is always surprised about the amount of words Jydan knows... I think they don't believe me? I must say, I don't really know of any other bubs the same age that says the same amount of words.

Paediatrician Appointment:
No paeds app this month...

Jydan is about 8.3 kilos now , he was 8.4 kilos last month, so I was a bit sad. So that 18.29 pounds.. so yep he's tiny, lol! He is 71 cms tall, which is 27.9 inches, which isn't too bad! His height isn't far off average. Jydan is completely in 0's now, 6-12 month clothing. I'm so glad because he has so many really really cute clothes in this size! :D
Jydan has the biggest beautiful eyes, they are soo dark too, some people ask if they are black! So gorgeous!
Jydan's hair colour is really out now, now that his hair is growing more and quicker. He still hasn't got as much hair as he was born with.. I think he will be about 13 months until he does! I can't believe he lost it all.
Jydan's about to go up in sock sizes too, into 1-2 year old socks. :)

I got the cutest nappy made for Jydan's first birthday! It's so gorgeous! Just to match his hungry caterpillar party and photoshoot theme ;)

Jydan's Likes/Dislikes:
Jydan still loves his teddy called Fred! It's so adorable , he can't sleep without him.. aww! He kisses him to sleep too.
I think his favourite thing of all though is ME! He loves me soo much! I'm not just saying it because I'm his mum but he wants to be with me or on me 24/7, haha! He even wants to sleep in our bed!! My sweet, sweet mummys boy. It definitely makes me feel loved too :D
At the moment Jydan is hating food, ugh! What a horrible thing to hate, gr! Hopefully he gets over his little food phobia. It's because of his teethies. They must be really sore for him.
He also had a cot phobia. Another horrible thing to hate haha.. I think we are finally getting over his little cot phobia.

I can't believe we are only a month away from our twelve month breastfeeding goal! I'm really proud of how close we've come. We'll definitely make it too! :D. After twelve months I'm thinking of weaning him through the day, but I'm not sure.. I haven't really decided. I'm sure Ill let you know though ;). He's feeding alot more atm because he isn't really eating solids. He is probably having about 5 tablespoons a day if he's lucky! He use to have 5 tablespoon a meal, 3 X a day, plus afternoon tea! So I hope he builds up his apatite again!



Bethany said...

Jydan is adorable!! I hope the rash, wrist sprain and teething all get better soon! Teething is especially awful!!

Unknown said...

Aww, sounds like he's had a rough month! I hope he has a better time this month. I love that he is still smiling and learning new words and phrases even though he isn't feeling his best. He is so adorable and smart!! And I can't believe he's about to turn 1! I feel like we were pregnant just yesterday, in a way. By the way, my first daughter was 18 pounds at 11 months too.