Monday, November 3, 2014

Baby Caterpillar - 19 Weeks


We started our progress shoot this week, I'm so excited to do this again! Something to look forward to every six weeks and watch my bump grow! I've got a little bump finally too, so I was pretty excited to show that off too!
19 weeks with Tiley (Jydan) and 19 weeks with Caterpillar.
I had a doctors appointment this week, all went well, my fundal height is measuring a bit small, but we already knew bubby is a bit slow at growing so we weren't too worried about that. We have a scan in a week so will be able to see baby's exact measurements again. And we listened to baby's heart rate was gorgeous!! And reassuring!
I also got some stronger meds because I'm still struggling with sickness. This has been a pretty bad sickness week so I'm so so glad to have something stronger!!
Symptoms this week:
Tender Breasts.
Hair & Nail Growth.
Trouble Staying Asleep.
Extra Thirst.
Weight gain: 1 & 1/2 kilo.
Size of baby: 
About 240grams, and 14.2 cms head to bum!
About the size of a mango!
Baby's doing this week:
Hair on the scalp is starting to sprout, and kidneys are functioning.  And senses are beginning to hit a peek!
Time left:
21 weeks... tick tock, tick tock.
Next Milestone:
Our next scan on the 10th of November!
Guessing baby's gender:
The closer of us finding out the more I'm not sure!!
Nickname for baby:
Caterpillar - because of the hungry caterpillar themed nursery.
Too busy being sick to crave :/
Undecided on a boys name... Ugh!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww, almost halfway there! I hope the stronger meds help you and your sickness eases up!!