Monday, August 18, 2014

Life this minute..

So I haven't blogged for about a month now! It's been crazy times in this little household of mine, but I think I'm ready to get back into it, how do I get back into it again?! How do I juggle blogging/ Social Media / a toddler.. and, oh, being pregnant!


(Photography by the amazing TK's Photography)

As of today I am 7 weeks & 2 days & due the 4th of April!

Not only have we just moved into our new family home (which is three - four times the size of our last home, so great!) AND still trying to establish a new routine. I think Jydan has only gone to bed once on time in this new house, and we've been here for about three weeks now I think! I've been dealing with horrible morning sickness & then I'm SO tired! But finally, after a year of trying I got that positive line.. again, again & again! EK!

So I'm going to spend this week playing catch up with all my posts, I have some fun posts up my sleeve, so just excuse me while I go a little crazy!

All in all though, life has been fun and great and little Mr Jydan is teaching us so many things everyday. At the moment, it's patience, lol.

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