Thursday, August 21, 2014

Baby Caterpillar - 5 weeks.

This week, thinking we were almost 7 weeks along, we went for our dating scan.. only to find out we were only 5 weeks & 5 days!
I was so stressed out the morning of the scan. My anxiety levels were through the roof, I had no idea what to expect, and if baby would have a heartbeat! That when we found out we were 8 days behind, although nothing major at all, I felt so devastated! I was crying, so much emotion. 8 days behind what I thought, seriously!! But even though I was only 5 weeks and 5 days, we got a heartbeat! A heartbeat of 115bpm. Which I think is great for that gestation, and to be picked up before 6 weeks too.
I'm a bit confused with what dates to go by now, according to my scan I'm due the 4th April.
Also, according to my scan, I found out at 2 weeks & 6 days, so I'm thinking that I just have a super strong little bubba in there! I can't believe though, I've known for three weeks already and I'm still in my 5th week! Hope it gets quicker from here!


Morning Sickness. If I thought I had morning sickness before... holy cow! I can't even get out of bed. I have been riddled with all day sickness. So incredibly sick!

Breast Growth. My boobs have gone up a cup size.




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