Sunday, June 15, 2014

Jydan - 19 Months

Age: 19Months
Weight: 9.6 Kilos 
Height: 80.5 cm


 -Body parts (knows his nose, eyes, head, hair, belly button, feet, arms tongue and teeth... teaching him ears at the moment!)

-Animal Sounds (knows what an elephant, lion, tiger, bird, duck, dog, fish, snake makes)
- Different animals (focusing on elephants, giraffes, snakes and butterflies)
-To climb (but not a climber)
-More and new things at swimming.

-To use a fork

-Learning to share.
-Nodding yes.. not just no all the time!


-Learnt body parts.
-Animal sounds.
-Animal names.
-Following longer instructions.

 -Eating much better.

-Become more playful/ using imagination. 

-Getting better with sharing.
- We started him on milk instead of formula, but he lost weight, so we put him back on formula.

Jydan has 16 teeth!! Just his two year old molars left!

Favourite Word/Sentences: 

-quack quack (he loveees ducks at the moment)
-Noo. Everything is No. Not Gonna. No way. haha! But he seems to have 'forgotten' his words?

Favourite Book: 

We have been hiring books from the library at the moment while we're packing , and he is loving all of them! Nothing like new books! 

Favourite Toy:

Anything chuggington!! Or anything that has ducks on it! And his slide, he is having so much fun with his slide!

Favourite Food: 

He is really liking his fruit at the moment, especially bananas!

Best Memory Of This Month:

Selling our house!! And buying a bigger one!! Definitely the best memory!

Child Health Nurse Appointment:

Jydan has lost another 100grams!! ANOTHER LOSS! Ugh! So so frustrating. Hopefully he picks it back up this month.

Doctors Appointment:
No need for a doctors appointment this month :).

Paediatrician Appointment:
 At the start of next month.

Dietitian Appointment:
Will find out if Jydan needs to continue seeing a dietitian at his peeds appointment since he is actually eating well now.

Speech Therapy Appointment:
Postponed for this month, but I do want to remake it.

Occupational Therapy Appointment:
 Waiting for an appointment.

Phyio Therapy: 

Went really really well, they don't want to see us again until the end of the year which is great. Jydan's ankle is turned in like I thought, he walks on the inside of his feet. We just have to make sure it doesn't get worse for now and keep him in boots to try and train his ankle straight. We also found that he has hips and knees are very flexible (we have found that his whole left leg kind of turns in), what people call 'double jointed', how funny is that? So his leg moving side ways ect is just normal for him! Maybe I do have my dancer on my hands???! 

Home Physio: 

Continuing to help Jydan sit correctly, I need to find more boots for him.

Jydan has stopped using a lot of his words lately, I know there is a bit of a speech regression at this ago, but he has gone from 2-3 word sentences, to just pointing and making sounds. I need to make another peads appointment, because it's not for another month, and another speech appointment and get it checked. The only reason I'm extra worried is because his head hasn't grown for a few months too.. with all his head problems, and us being on the look out for any problems with his speech because of  his head problems (meaning pressure on his brain) it's just ringing a few alarm bells. 

Will update though.

We are in the midst of packing up our whole house to move in a week & a half, and it's throwing out poor Jydan a bit. He doesn't understand what's going on obviously , and it's causing a few behavioural problems.  No tantrums as such, it's just in general. I'm sure things will improve when we settle into our new house. It also seems to be influencing how he's being sensitive to some sensory things, it seems more exaggerated in some aspects.

Aside from all that, 
Some how, I'm not sure how it's possible! Over the last couple of months I have completely and utterly fallen in love with Jydan MORE! I am so so in love with him. Not that I wasn't before, I don't know how that's possible, I think it's because he is at suuuch an amazing age right now. So so fun, imaginative, trying to explore and learn everything.. He has such an amazing personality. He is mastering climbing like a monkey, which is great because our new house has stairs! 

Jydan is at the age at the moment where he is really responding to kiddies his age (although he seems to love older kids more), he tries to say hello, hi-five's them, gives them cuddles, rubs them gently on their back, and looks right into their eyes. It's absolutely adorable watching him build these friendships!!

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