Monday, December 2, 2013

Mummy preparing for university!

I mentioned in a previous post that I got into uni next year!!
I've wanted to do nursing for a fair few years now and I thought, since I'm not working anyway, I should just apply!
And I got in!!

I start uni, for the second time in my life, in about 2 & 1/2 months... with a toddler in toe!

We've been looking at childcare centre's and found one we absolutely adore that ACTUALLY had a spot for him. It's so hard to find a child care centre with an open spot, let alone your top pick!
So, this child care is very much into the environment. Playing in the environment, nurturing the environment, looking after animals and families, and thriving on imagination.
It makes me more settled about leaving him!

So now that's under the way I'm looking into how to deal with separation anxiety in older babies/toddlers.
I think that will be hard. Jydan hasn't really had the opportunity to be without me. He is a big koala bear!
Some tips I've read and been told by our nurse;

-Don't leave suddenly.
-Let the child know exactly what is happening.
-Don't make a big deal about leaving.
-Don't let them see you get emotional.
-Don't leave without saying goodbye.

I've already ordered Jydan a super cute personalised bag for childcare, I need to get him another drink bottle so he has one for home and one for care. And I want to get some more 'ones&twos' nappies.
Our centre is allowing us to use cloth nappies so I want to bring the easiest cloth nappies. These nappies have tabs like disposables, but are velcro tabs. Instead of the snaps which can be a bit fiddly. I'm going to buy one of the centre hats for him, so he's matching to everyone else - and more likely to keep his hat on. He already has a lunch bag.

The only other thing I have to work on is getting Jydan to drink milk that's not from me! That's not going to well, but we will preserver!

Wow, I can't believe this is happening! I'm so use to our stay-at-home lifestyle now. 
I'm hoping that Jydan can still do his swimming lessons, but I'm not 100 % sure we could still afford it after childcare fees! 
It's so great for him though! That'll be a big thing to weigh up.
I'll have to give up my mums group and playgroup and probably music too! It'll definitely be a change of lifestyle. So I specifically wanted a childcare that would give him though things.

Ugh, I need to prepare for things to get really busy and hectic.
Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is great, congrats!

My daughter went to nursery school / daycare when she was 2. We just practiced singing, "My mommy comes back, she always comes back, she always comes back to get meeee" and there's another one on the show Daniel Tiger that goes, "Grown-ups come baaaack." Then exactly like your tips say, I just waited til she started playing with a toy and said, "Bye sweetie, see you soon!" It went pretty well for us, only took a few days for her to get used to it and she was a complete koala bear too. I hope it goes well for Jydan! It will probably be harder for you than him!!

Btw, yes my daughters are tan! Especially B, she has my dad's skin. He was Native American.