Thursday, May 23, 2013

Baby Jydan - 6 Months 1 Week


Twenty-Seven Weeks:
This week has been CRAZY! The week started off with me still in hospital. And then Jydan picked up a cold, and then I caught it too. For his first cold, his little body coped with it really well. I think that's because of the fact that he's breastfed. I was going to buy a humidifier but he was over it after about 48 hours. The cough lingered a bit, but so does mine every time I have a cold. My cold went away really quick too :).
So we didn't start swimming this week like we were suppose to because I'm going to wait till the cold/cough is completely out of his little immune system. We also didn't get along to playgroup but we had SO much to catch up on since I was away so we were rather busy.
The poor little Mr though, after copping a couple of days of a cold, the teething monster came back. Humph. Looking forward to seeing my grizzle free bub!

Favourite Toy This Week:

Explain to me why I introduced music toys?! Ha, he absolutely loves them though and poor mummy is left with a headache!

Favourite Thing To Do:

Jydan just LOVES nappy free time. It's one of the only times he is happy to be left alone and entertain himself. I try to give it to him lots because he seems to try to crawl a lot more without a nappy on.
Oh, and he has NEVER peed during nappy free time until the other day where he peed TWICE.. fail :/.
Oh oh and he just really loves playing pick-a-boo. He even tries to play with strangers, haha.

Favourite Book:

Basically any book with bright pictures :).

Favourite Food:
MANGO! Jydan just loves anything mixed with mango. I actually really don't like mango but I really liked other fruits mixed with mango and find myself going 'one spoon for you and one for me'.. hehe!

Favourite Word:
It's not so much of a favourite food for Jydan, as he hasn't said it since but the other day, Jydan looked at his dad and said ............... 'DAD'. It was so gorgeous!

Saying 'Dad' was pretty big milestone.. let's hope he discovers the word again!
He has started to make more sounds when talking, and babbling a lot more :).
He is also learning (very slowly) to sleep unwrapped. He uses a zip-up swaddle and we're slowly unzipping :).

Personality This Week:
Uhh.. do I admit it? He's been a crab bum! The teething and all. He definitely does have his happy moments though and he cacks himself laughing at times, but majority of the time he has been a bit upset. My poor little darling.

Moment Of The Week:
Army crawling in the rudies ;)

Outfit Of The Week:
Jydan wearing his first 0 outfit (6-9 months) It's a very small 0 outfit, so it's not true to size though. It's also not a very cute outfit but he needed more winter outfits - and I wasn't going to buy more in his current size that he's almost out of :)

Photo Of The Week:

Picture of perfection :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh he is so adorable!! It is amazing that he has already said dad. He is so advanced!

I had no idea you were in the hospital. It must have been so hard to be away from your little guy. :(

My little one has been teething too. She has this constant whine at times. I'm glad it's not full out crying but it's very distressing to listen to nonetheless.