Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Jydan - 2 Years, 1 Month.

Age: 2 Years + 1 Month
Weight: 11.2 kilo
Height: 85.5 cm


-New words every day
-To use his words instead of screaming or crying.

-Shapes, and drawing a circle

-Singing along the ABC's.
-To respond to more instructions.

-To listen and understand better.

-How to push the boundaries (hehe!)
-To play & use imagination.
-To use the potty.
-Baby Sign.
-To repeat/parrot word.
-To undress himself.


- Saying more words, eg Christmas, Aunty, Santa, Millie.
-Started calling Millie by her name instead of Baa.

-Become more playful/ using imagination. 

-Using his imagination when drawing.

Last check up:

 All went well, his teeth are looking very healthy (yey for preserving with the brushing!) However, his teeth are fairly crowded. Something to keep an eye on in the future & make sure he's brushing. He wasn't very cooperative though.

 Made another appointment for May.

Favourite Word/Sentences: 

-Play? Aww.. it's so cute, how can I say no!

-Super Grover! As he pretends to be Super Grover/Super Man.
-Tannk u! His super cute way of saying Thank You.

Favourite Book: 

He's loving his colouring books more then any reading book really at the moment.

Favourite Toy:

Either between his lightening McQueen car or his truck he got for his birthday! 

Favourite Food: 

Ham & Cheese!

Best Memory Of This Month:

Setting up the tree & looking at Christmas lights!
And my brother Jyle's leavers dinner.

Child Health Nurse Appointment:

No Appointment this month :).

Doctors Appointment:
Jydan had a pretty bad temp and was a bit sick so had to have a doctors appointment, he is still recovering from his viral infection.

Paediatrician Appointment:
I think our next one will be in the new year.

Dietitian Appointment:
Jydan's was discharged from the dietetics department this visit, woohoo. One less lot of appointments to worry about!

Speech Therapy Appointment:

Jydan's next speech appointment will be in Feb. Until then we are working on some sign language.

Occupational Therapy Appointment:

Jydan had his huge sensory assessment a few days ago. I got more insight into his little world and more tips and strategies on how to deal with everything. Our biggest thing to work on is calming down before and after an activity. Our next appointment will be mid January.

Phyio Therapy: 

Jydan had his physio appointment which went well, we have a new pair of shoes to try and help stable his feet. Jydan will be doing weekly physio next year for a few months.
Home Physio: 

We are still maintaining swimming as part of his physio, but this week is his last week until Feb so we will need to do a few more things at home.


Jydan has just changed swimming days to a Saturday, which means a new teacher and friends! He is also going in with Dad most of the time too, which Dad's really enjoying as well! Jydan has started to swim by himself a little bit in the pool. Just a tiny bit, but getting there!

I can't believe Jydan's second birthday was a whole month ago now! Time really does fly. 
The last month has been huge for Jydan's speech. It's like now we've started signing a little bit he was able to pick up more words. He's doing much better with his words now and started copying some too. He's learning to sing a little bit and especially loves 'Santa Claus is coming to town'.

We're struggling with working out if he does or doesn't want a nap at the moment, which means sometimes he's falling asleep at dinner time. It's SO cute! I have to share this video!!!

However the nights he wakes all the time, or doesn't go to sleep until midnight because he has had a nap, isn't as fun! lol.

Jydan is really looking forward to Christmas this year and really interested in Santa and the Christmas trees! We're just loving Christmas as a family this year, Jydan's at the perfect ago for it! ....Don't tell him that mummy hasn't been letting him have his advent calender chocolate's though ;)

I feel like my beautiful man just gets cuter & cuter each month and I'm developing the best relationship with him! I cherish every moment with him.. Well, except for those daily two year old tantrums he has been having!!

We did his two year old progress photo, but I'm not happy with it, so will do it again and show you all next month ;)


Unknown said...

Aww, he just gets cuter and cuter! I hope he feels better and isn't ill anymore!!

Mel said...

Hi Harley, your son is beautiful and I love that you document his firsts etc. I do the same over on my blog and I too have a Jiedyn! (just spelled different) I'm brand new to your blog and am looking forward to blogging along side you in 2015! God bless xx