Friday, December 12, 2014

2014 Goals - What Have I Accomplished.

There's ONLY THREE weeks left of this year! Oh my goodness!
So it's time to re visit my 2014 goals, and set some 2015 ones!

How did you go with your 2014 goals?

- Finish & purchase Jydan's first year online photo book. 

I totally forgot this was on this list, woops, this will have to be a 2015 goal ;).

- Begin & purchase my maternity online photo book
Yep, this one will have to be a 2015 one too... Not off to a good start!

- Set up Jydan's big boy bedroom. 
Only thing left to do is buy a curtain rod to put the curtains up, yey!

- Fall pregnant... hopefully!
Yey, I'm currently 25 weeks pregnant!

- Seek regular osteo visits for my back.

We really couldn't afford to do this in the end anyway...

- Plan & organise Jydan's second birthday.

Sure did, and it was great fun!

- Sell/Rent out our unit

We sold our unit probably 5-6 months ago now :) 

- Find a bigger house & move.

And bought a bigger house too!

- Organise and host  our 'Mad Hatter, Cocktails & Croquet' house warming.

I organised it, so it half counts, but I had really bad morning sickness so I had to cancel!

- Organise next family vacation
Didn't do this either!! I've got 3 weeks to though!

-Toilet Train Jydan

Except for nights, we got there!

- Find a job / study. 

I started my own little business so I'm counting that :)

- Read three books

I read way more blogs then books, but I still managed three!

- Loose 10 kilos. 

I got pregnant and pretty much almost gained that instead :/


Unknown said...

I think I'll do one of these for my blog! Such a good idea! Just need to remember what if Iv done anything good (apart from having a baby of course)

Emily55 said...

You've done pretty well--better than I usually do with my resolutions!