Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Shout Out!

Shouting out to my favourite posts this week...

 You might remember I made a hungry caterpillar cake for Jydan's First Birthday Party, well here is a tutorial on how to make one! They look so effective!

What an awesome idea this is! Thanks Blair, my word for this year is SELF.

Check out Shannon's favourite books from 2013!

Rebecca's last BumpDate.. Super excited to read the big announcement!

Check out Camille's helpful post on coding and blog tips!!

Heather is asking for some advice, if you have any, make sure to let her know!

Lesley always has some fantastic tips for Mummas!

Love this Steffany! We can't always head out for date night, so take a read!


Steffany @ Spit and Sparkles said...

Great posts! Thanks so much for the shout out!

Heather Jones said...

Thanks for the shout out Harley! I'll do the same! :) Love your blog background by the way!

Blair @ Baby for Scale said...

thanks for the shout outs! and i love all the other posts too!
ps- i think you chose a great word for 2014! i hope it serves you well!

Rebecca said...

Thank you so much for the shout-out! I really appreciate it and also I am going to be checking out all the rest of these posts as well!