Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Six Years!

Tim & I's first date was at the Carols by Candlelight, SIX YEARS AGO!

Every year we go to celebrate our first date, so we've just been to our seventh carols together.. naww!
It's so nice to have a little tradition and now bringing our child along too.

It's crazy how time goes, it really doesn't feel like 6 years and we've been married for almost 2 of them!
We've had some ups and downs and sometimes our life is a big rollercoaster, but it's crazy what life gives you! We've had some really really good times, it's so fun looking through old photos and bringing back some wonderful memories.
I think the best memory of all our relationship was our honeymoon! We went on a cruise to Vanuatu and New Caledonia, and it was probably best fun of our lives! So many wonderful memories!!
We've had a gorgeous little boy and we own our first little home together (looking for a bigger one), we've been on so many fun holidays, interstate, and out of the country. We've had a couple of pets together, and have a cutey little dog. We've studied and worked and changed jobs too. We've been engaged and then married, then pregnant, then parents. We've been rich and we've been broke, we've been happy and mad and we've made it through six years together!
Cheers to another 60 honey!!





1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary of your first date!!!! The pics of you guys together are so adorable.