Saturday, January 17, 2015

Baby Caterpillar - 30 Weeks

Another HUGE week this week with another impromptu hospital trip. This time, not for my sickness for once, but my high blood pressure! Of course as soon as I got there all was okay, and it had completely dropped, but because I have protein and swelling I can never be too careful! I also had a little more bleeding this week, but I often get that when I've vomited a lot, and all was okay. So I was hooked up to the ctg again, had blood and urine tests and oh, got my gestational diabetes results from last week. I was positive. I have gestational diabetes now too!!! How on earth can I possibly have something else this pregnancy?! So appointments will now be weekly, alternating between diabetes appointments and pregnancy check ups. 

Due to everything going on this pregnancy; hyperemesis, dehydration/fainting, bleeding, baby measuring small, mild pre-eclampsia (for the moment), pelvic issues, and now GD, I've decided to ditch my VBAC plan. Most likely I'll need to go early anyway, and I can't be induced, so it'll result in another ceaser.. I've decided to plan for one anyway. I just feel like so many things have gone wrong this time, I'm not sure if I could handle the birth going wrong too, plus It'll be nice to have something go to plan. Also it's nice having a 'date' and seeing the end. 

Seriously, no wonder I'm exhausted!!

Symptoms this week:
Feeling Faint.
High BP.
Pelvic Pain.
Trouble Staying Asleep.
Gestational Diabetes.
Baby's Engaged.

Weight gain: 7 kilo. .. I've lost a little bit of weight this week.

Doctors/Midwives Appointment:
I saw the midwives this week re my BP and will have another appointment on Monday for all the diebeties stuff.

Next scan in around three weeks

Size of baby: 
Baby is now around 1.32 kilo and 39.9 cms long.
Big growth spurt this week!
About the size of a large cabbage!

Baby's doing this week:
Baby can follow lights and see around their environment.
Time left:
10 weeks!!
Next Milestone:
33 weeks, after the next scan.
Baby's Gender:
Nickname for baby:
Caterpillar - because of the hungry caterpillar themed nursery.
No cravings this week!
We've decided to incorporate my Opa's name into the baby's name as he's battling cancer. His name is Adriaan, and the baby will be Arabelle Adrianne.

1 comment:

Emily55 said...

You've certainly been through the mill haven't you?
Love the baby name. And a really nice idea to incorporate your Opa's name into her middle name.
I bet you're counting down the days until you can hold the little one in your arms (and stop feeling so sick!)